A few months ago, we were approached by The Communications Centre and Vodafone, they needed a campaign using an event to launch the expansion plans of the TCC business.  They wanted to attract local businesses to a new Cheltenham walk-in store offering a specific mobile and data package to SME’s in Cheltenham, Gloucester and Tewksbury before a regional expansion. 

We had 7 weeks to get over 60 businesses to an event.  But we saw things differently, and developed a sales lead generation campaign and event drawing together a business case to help local SME’s gain access to information that would help them innovate, by looking at their data and telecommunications systems differently.  We built an evidenced based story placing an emphasis on how businesses had used technology to change the way they operated, their people worked and how they created a better service for their customers as well as created financial savings.

We ran a campaign, using direct mail to priority contacts, email marketing, data management and telephone recruitment. The lynchpin for the night was Nick Hewer (Lord Sugars right-hand-man and a star of The Apprentice) who set the scene for the telecommunications industry.  He was supported by The National Milk Records who shared examples of how they had changed their field teams’ data transfer and mobile working which had resulted in their turnaround times for analysis of data being reduced.  Using technology NMR has improved their customer service experience and reduced overheads all at the same time.  To close the evening The Communications Centre then gave an inisight into the up-and-coming telecommunication developments and what these could mean for an SME wanting to plan for the future. 

Over 80 businesses attended on the night and the campaign has generated many sales leads, it also create good local PR coverage and provided businesses with a real case example of what could be acheived.